Just to create the best lamps.

How to clean the crystal chandelier?

by:Saintly     2021-06-14
When decorating the house, many friends choose crystal chandeliers for their homes to install in the living room. The luxurious crystal chandelier gives a feeling of extravagance. The house does not need to be too big, and the crystal chandelier is installed, and the level of tear-free layout is also improved. Another reason why crystal chandeliers are so popular is that they are easy to clean. So let's talk about how to clean the crystal chandelier?

1. Kerosene to remove stains
After the crystal chandelier has been used for some years, some stains will appear. Especially the stains on small accessories, the general cleaning method can not remove. At this time, kerosene is needed to remove it. First, we need to remove the stained small accessories from the crystal chandelier, and then soak it in kerosene. Leave the accessories covered with kerosene for about eight minutes before they can be taken out. Then try scrubbing with a soft cloth. The stain that was supposed to be very firm was wiped off so easily. The crystal chandelier will also be polished to be shiny and bright, and will not be damaged at all.

2. Wash with soap and water
There is dust on the crystal chandelier. Use a cotton cloth dampened with water to wipe the dust off. If the dust is heavy, soapy water is needed. Some friends use dish soap to wash the chandelier. For stains that are not particularly stubborn, the effect of washing with clean water and soapy detergent can also make the crystal lamp bright and beautiful.

What should I pay attention to when cleaning?
When cleaning crystal lamps, safety is very important. The crystal lamp is installed relatively high, so a tripod or stairs should be set up when cleaning. When it is particularly dirty, remove the parts and clean them slowly. Only dust, just wipe gently with a cotton cloth.

I hope you will gain something after reading this article. If you want to clean the crystal chandelier every time you do not spend too much effort, then you need to do regular maintenance for the crystal chandelier. If you don't clean it for a long time, it will not be so easy to clean it later.
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